Live Your Passion – Day 3


Your Personal Brand

Personal BrandDoes the world know the real you? I mean, if people were to bring up your name and describe what you’re all about, would they be right? Would they describe who you really are – what you’re really all about deep inside or would they describe some title you carry that you really don’t care much about?

Why not let the world know the real you? Let’s face it, your gift, talents and passions are in you for a reason. The world is better served when you are sharing what you are best at and most excited about. And, by doing so, you will experience that a life in alignment is a life full of energy, excitement and fulfillment.

What’s an amazing bonus is that the more you share with the world what your passionate about – your personal brand – the more you’ll attract others into your life that will complement what you do! A synergy will naturally develop with those people and, as a result, opportunities will appear beyond what you may have ever imagined.

Really, how cool is this?! Your job is to study what you are most passionate about and become a true expert.  Then, you share your knowledge with the world. The more people you bless, the more successful you’ll ultimately become!

For some, you may be entering into scary territory – sharing your real voice. Let me encourage you with the following short but empowering post: The Actor’s Vow.

Complete the Personal Brand Worksheet:

Personal Brand Worksheet

Recommended Resources:

If you need a blog, you can get setup with one FREE here: BlogFactory

If you’d like to increase your brand image on your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you can get setup well with this company: Will have my recommended company listed here soon!

For a great FREE tool to customize your email signature: WiseStamp

As always, if you have questions or feedback, I welcome your comments below! 🙂