“Simon Says…” We played it as kids. It was just a silly game. However, it wasn’t meant to be played for the rest of your life!
Our world has a collective voice that acts just like Simon: dictating for most what they’ll be thinking, feeling and doing for the rest of their lives.
It’s time to stop playing the Simon Says game and start pursuing the life you were designed to live.
Remember, if you don’t define your Life Purpose, someone else will quickly do it for you. Convenient, isn’t it? Yes, handy for you but only fulfilling for them. Join the Simon Says Revolution and live with Passion and On-purpose!
Chuck in the Orange County Register
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“A must read. It will give you a new perspective on life and encourage you to follow your heart.”
–Rudy Ruettiger | Author and inspiration behind the TriStar Picture Rudy.
“Chuck’s message is one of encouragement and inspiration, helping others to make dreams come true.” –Dean Karnazes | Endurance athlete, speaker and best-selling author.
“Chuck has a wonderful way of giving practical advice and strong encouragement.”
–Cheryl McKay | Screenwriter of the hit movie The Ultimate Gift.